People magazine (Latin Edition) calls Guy Ecker one of Latin America’s most beautiful people. The Entertainment Critics Association in New York, and the Association of Critics and Commentators of the Arts in Miami, awarded him “Best Leading Actor” for his heartwarming performance as Sebastian, in the acclaimed novella “Café con aroma de Mujer (Coffee with the scent of a woman). His role as Demetrio, a troubled tequila producer on an emotional roller-coaster ride of hate and rage against the woman he married in “La Mentira", another hit novella, earned him yet another “Best Leading Actor” award in Mexico.

Upon receiving his degree in International Business at the University of Texas, Guy abandoned all his side jobs, which included ballroom dance instructor and horse trainer to become an actor in Hollywood. He began his acting career in the late 1980’s when he was cast in three low budget independent films.

Guy soon began to pursue a career in the Latin Market. He was asked to change his name. Although Guy was born in Brazil, raised in several Latin American countries, and spoke fluent Spanish and Portuguese, he was not considered a Latin among Hispanics. His parents are from Wisconsin and Illinois and he is too American looking.
But Guy persisted, and within a very short time he made the cross-over…without changing his name.

Guy’s first leading role in Latin America was of a historical figure named Geo Von Lengerke. His performance in the mini-series “La Otra Raya del Tigre” (The Tiger’s Other Stripe) was all the network needed to see. They had been working on “Café con aroma de mujer” for a long time, and Guy was just the actor for the role. When his second project hit the air, not only was it an overwhelming success, but it opened the door to an international market. Guy began receiving attractive offers from all over Latin America.

After agreeing to three more projects, the novella “Guajira” (a region of Colombia) “La Mentira” and “Salome”, both in Mexico, Guy has managed to keep the Hispanic audience captive, and gain the admiration of loving fans in places like Italy, Russia and Israel. Some of his projects have had the highest ratings in Latin American history and have been sold to over 90 countries. His appearance at events in places like Mexico, Ecuador, Spain, Miami and New York, have caused the type of commotion and hysteria only associated with rock stars.